Monday, August 15, 2005

New Animation Tablet.....Use only as directed.

I just received my new medion Graphics tablet! Shall I ever touch paper again?


  1. Ha ha reminds me of that monkey with the human body in Richard William's book...

  2. I'm thinking someone didn't draw ends of limbs again.. naughty!! does life drawing teach you nothing!!!!!

  3. Yay - that's cool! I should really consider getting one, I don't incorporate enough hand-drawn elements, textures, painting etc... into my work.. then again, I could just use a scanner for the time being... Nice drawing as always Mr. Nomis!

  4. OH MY GOD! Jacky still has my book! THanks for reminding me.

    It was actually roger rabbit with a 'life drawing body', but it would have been better with a monkey head!!!!

    You right when you say i should draw more ends of limbs!

  5. Neal!

    I got a Medion graphics tablet, with a huge drawing area (a little bigger than A4 page) for $150

    Everybody says that Wacom is the only brand....which is true cause my tablet does play up a tiny bit. Jumps around a little sometimes...but it's easily fixed!

    I bought it on ebay.
